Apave, the French leader in trainings for risk management, contributes to the improvement of the performances by the development of competences. The trainings are led by our specialists, and professionals who are aware of the companies concerns. The integration of new approaches and education systems, including “Educational New Technologies”, makes it possible to answer in an appropriate way to the strategic and operational needs.
Intervention fields:
Apave supports companies and groups for the setting up of the conformity of their equipment, installations or process, taking into consideration th ...
Apave helps companies in any and all sectors to develop their organization and their management systems. Apave helps to improve the overall perform ...
Apave gives at the disposal a network of laboratories and specialists in tests and measurements, and thus serving the companies and groups which de ...
Along with the building owners, Apave intervenes within the framework of any real estate or civil engineering. In the buildings as on the building ...